di tutto un po', secondo la mia modesta opinione, naturalmente
Was he sober? Magariaf said human rights were respected by army forces #BaniWalid Not oil, LIES main product of Libya http://t.co/RwciI8us mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 24, 2012 At least 20 die in battle for desert town which remained loyal to late Libyan...
#BaniWalid civilians bombed with gas/ After BW whose turn will be? Libyans officials need "enemies" to pretend to rule http://t.co/BdeWD1nA mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 23, 2012 Pro-government militias intercept food, fuel and medicine and use grad rockets...
#BaniWalid civilians bombed with GAS"They are pushing Libya in civil war Why r they putting tribes against each other? http://t.co/BdeWD1nA mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 22, 2012 Pro-government militias intercept food, fuel and medicine and use grad rockets...
Libyan protesters storm TV for #BaniWalid coverage- "pro-gov shelling BW with long-range weapons&targeting hospital. http://t.co/HXOCN185 mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 22, 2012 Employees of the private Libyan television station al-Hurra inspect the damage at...
#GreatWarfalla FB gmt16 : "What is happening now will succeed tribal hatred " #Libya #BaniWalid mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 22, 2012
Jenan Moussa @ jenanmoussa With all due repect to all, I do not think any Libyan official really knows what is happening in #Libya. All just guessing! Con il dovuto rispetto: non credo che le autorità libiche sappiano realmente quello che sta accadendo...
Sia finita con le notizie false sulla sua cattura ! Time to stop with psyop and fake ! ENGLIS VERSION OF THE SPEECH http://sonsofmalcolm.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/gaddafi-govt-spokesperson-moussa.html
When the Soviet Union broke up, the four largest former Soviet Republics (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus & Kazakhstan) were each allocated a proportionate "share" of Soviet nuclear weapons - this sets a precedent under International Law. Ukraine, Belarus &...
da societàzero: http://societazero.tumblr.com/post/33626110284/le-10-regole-del-controllo-sociale-di-noam