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LIBYA In Bani Walid, political struggle behind gunfire

Pubblicato da mcc43 su 25 Ottobre 2012, 17:43pm

Tags: #libya, #bani walid, #misrata, #crimes, #lies

The “mopping up” of Gaddafi’s last forces - the improbable explanation by the General National Council (GNC) to justify the assault on Bani Walid launched by “government” troops in early October -obscures a highly political struggle.The fighting is the umpteenth manifestation of long-standing enmity between the Ourfella tribe, based in Bani Walid, and the city of Misrata (whose brigades led the assault) and it comes as new prime minister Ali Zeidan is trying to form his government.

... from MAGHREB CONFIDENTIAL -African Intelligence

This is known to the whole world, but MSM not interested to say the Truth but to the business, One day or the other they will make big title on this and will earn more recanting a lie that having said the truth firsti time.

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