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Mohamed Al Magarief & NFSL & attempts to kill Gaddafi

Pubblicato da mcc43 su 12 Ottobre 2012, 13:49pm

Tags: #Libya, #NFSL, #Magarief, #Gaddafi, #Tripoli, #terrorism

There are many articles about Mohammed Al Magarief, now president of the National Congress of Libya, and  repeatedly say how many times he escaped attempts on his life. This portrait  is hagiographic, therefore incomplete.

Magarief was an official in the Libyan state, he was  ambassador to India when he dropped, then lived in US and then founded the National Front for the Salvation of Libya, becoming  the leaderVarious sources said  the group was supported by the government of Saudi Arabia, and the United States' CIA 
NFSL was a subversive organization that in 1984 claimed an attack in Tripoli  intended to kill Gaddafi said.
there is an article translated by Google of the Italian newspaper "LA STAMPA Sera"  , 1984, May 9th


Or http://www.archiviolastampa.it/component/option,com_lastampa/task,ricerche/Itemid,3/  + Key word : NFSL

Let's say, if Magarief suffered attacks to his life,  likewise attacks were his method of political struggle. Has Magarief a background to ensure the establishment of a democratic system in Libya? He is currently endorsing the siege of Bani Walid...


The attack yesterday in Tripoli against 11 bunker-barracks housing, usually 11 Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Oheddafl was work of the military wing of the National Front of the Salvation of Libya ("NFSL '), one of the main movements in opposition to the current regime in Tripoli. He said last night a spokesman for the organization stating that the objective of the army was to assassinate Colonel Gaddafi. In the battle - he said - were killed 15 guerrillas but also several of the leading men of the guard Ubico. 'We were not able to hit Gaddafi, but it • a turning point, the beginning of a new chapter, said 11 spokesman. According to the reconstruction of the facts come Libyan exiles in London, he said, Gaddafi at the time of the attack was perpetrated in the barracks. The operation, according to the spokesman-NFSL., Is taken when a commando of 15 men managed to a hold of a small building located within the confines of the barracks where the headquarters of 11 headquarters of Gaddafi. At this point one paerto 11 guerrillas fire on guards and making their way with the help of rockets have fallen further all'lnter-no of the barracks. The spokesman of the "NFSL" said that several soldiers have joined the commandos for the attack on the "special forces" to protect 11 Colonel Gaddafi. The spokesman of the "NFSL" said then that "fi raid lasted over five hours" during which mmolte Gaddafi's guards were killed. • Then our men ran out of ammunition and we believe that the building was surrounded and blew up. Now our men are dead: he added. . The spokesman of the "NFSL" also spoke about rumors of fires and explosions that have occurred in other areas of Tripoli yesterday.

See the difference with this laudatory profile by BBC

Mohamed Al Magarief & NFSL & attempts to kill Gaddafi
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Libya has gone from Africa’s richest state under Gaddafi, to failed state after NATO intervention. No doubt, this is one of the most dramatic events of the 21st century.
I completely agree

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