di tutto un po', secondo la mia modesta opinione, naturalmente
The book "Fuga all’Inferno e altre storie" was published in 2006 by a left-wing journal with a foreword (written by Valentino Parlato, an Italian journalist born in Libya) very critical about Italy that never acknowledged faults and damages of colonization...
New York, 29 nov. (Adnkronos/Aki) - "Abbiamo subito forti pressioni, contro cui non resisterebbero neanche le montagne, con l'intento di dissuaderci" dal chiedere l'ingresso nell'Onu come 'Stato non membro osservatore'. Lo ha detto il presidente dell'Autorita'...
These news are coming from an "unbiased" source : Magharebia (Washington DC) that states: Security improvements in Bani Walid reassure citizens that it is now safe to resume their normal activities. "Every day is better than the previous one and steadily...
We are witnessing the creation of a fiction,whose purpose is to hide a violation of human rights for the members of the Gaddafi family, accepted for "humanitarian reasons" in Algeria and, in fact, subjected to a regime of semi-freedom. Minor Arab media...
Il Comitato Anti-Trust per il mercato dell’oro (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee) va dicendo ed esponendo da anni con tanto di prove. Ovvero che molte Banche Centrali Occidentali non possiedono tutto l’oro dichiarato a titolo di riserva. Parte di quell’oro...
Syria Forms New Opposition Leadership Syria's fractious opposition formed a new leadership (AFP) in the effort to unite against President Bashar al-Assad, electing moderate cleric Mouaz al-Khatib as leader after four days of marathon talks in Qatar. The...
Defending or conquering Mali? What are the actual jihadists that might face a possible intervention of African army? All fundamentalist groups is 4 to 6000 men, according to sources. Principal component Ansar Eddine [that officially rejected terrorism]...
Ditelo con un fiore… ma non con una rosa Sulle coste del bellissimo lago Naivasha, in Kenya, sono sorte una infinità di serre che producono quasi novanta milioni di fiori recisi all’anno, tutti destinati al mercato europeo. Un businnes immenso che, sulla...
Si les fils et la fille de Mouammar Kadhafi ne sont plus en Algérie... Où sont-ils donc? Exilés en Algérie pour des raisons humanitaires, le 29 août 2011, ils faisaient l’objet de reproches du nouveau pouvoir libyen à l’égard du voisin algérien. A plusieurs...