di tutto un po', secondo la mia modesta opinione, naturalmente
mcc43 Google+ da un articolo di Massimo Fini Nel 1991 si svolsero in Algeria le prime elezioni libere dopo decenni di una sanguinaria dittatura militare e furono vinte dal Fis (Fronte islamico di salvezza) a larghissima maggioranza. Allora i militari...
from http://www.tripolipost.com/articledetail.asp?c=5&i=9842 Five months after NATO launched its first air raid on Gaddafi forces on its way to recapture Benghazi, French President Nicolas Sarkozy sent Gaddafi an offer of safe passage to the Fezzan with...
We are witnessing the creation of a fiction,whose purpose is to hide a violation of human rights for the members of the Gaddafi family, accepted for "humanitarian reasons" in Algeria and, in fact, subjected to a regime of semi-freedom. Minor Arab media...