di tutto un po', secondo la mia modesta opinione, naturalmente
#BaniWalid #Eid in a car longing for home, land to cultivate... mosque and friends What became #Libya after #17feb ? http://t.co/T62aymNG mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 26, 2012 From today 25 Oct...
#Libya :To prevent ppl #BaniWalid return home for Eid is making actual the expression "Islamo-fascism" mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 26, 2012
The “mopping up” of Gaddafi’s last forces - the improbable explanation by the General National Council (GNC) to justify the assault on Bani Walid launched by “government” troops in early October -obscures a highly political struggle.The fighting is the...
#BaniWalid "by #Misrata|s militias. Many victims among children&elderly. Town practically destroyed." #criminals http://t.co/u3DEzQXU mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 25, 2012 Official information came from Lybia on Wednesday saying that after a 3-week siege the...
#GreatWarfalla FB gmt16 : "What is happening now will succeed tribal hatred " #Libya #BaniWalid mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 22, 2012
Jenan Moussa @ jenanmoussa With all due repect to all, I do not think any Libyan official really knows what is happening in #Libya. All just guessing! Con il dovuto rispetto: non credo che le autorità libiche sappiano realmente quello che sta accadendo...
There are many articles about Mohammed Al Magarief , now president of the National Congress of Libya , and repeatedly say how many times he escaped attempts on his life. This portrait is hagiographic , therefore incomplete. Magarief was an official in...
@TheTripoliPost Clear article/ #libya' s NC failed understand the meaning of "unity" in this worrying phase of the country #Abushagur mcc43 (@mcc43_) October 10, 2012