The capture of Bani Walid smacks of revenge
"Hours after taking control of Bani Walid, a former stronghold of Muammar Gaddafi, Libyan militias from the rival city of Misrata fired ferociously at its empty public buildings.
Fighters yelling “Allahu akbar” and “Today Bani Walid is finished” sought to make their mark with gunfire and rocket-propelled grenades on a town they say still provides a refuge to many of the overthrown Libyan leader’s followers.
The chaotic, vengeful scenes demonstrated the weakness of the new government’s authority over former rebel militias which owe it allegiance but essentially do what they like. read more
Islamo-fascim in Libya
Reuters was yielding with rebels, always accepting as a truth their lies, like almost all the msm did last year. Something is changing.
With the inanity of political figures devoid of ideals and sense of the state now emerges disappointment, with the fear that these gangs will never be stopped.
The destruction of Bani Walid, the blind fury on those people guilty of pride and dignity, were also a means to divert attention from the political deadlock.
AlQeeb, formally PM, is a dumb leader.
Ali Zeidan, new PM in charge, is surpassing the term for the submission of the list of the cabinet in complete silence.
The policy is dead before it was born, only weapons are speaking: the guns of Misrata wirh the fig leaf of the national army .
What the authorities have allowed to happen in Bani Walid would, as already last year Tawarga, a charge of crimes against humanity and the immediate imposition of international sanctions.
Purely for economic calculations ad profit, western countries, after having let flourished Al Qaeda, are feeding in Libya a miserable form of Islamo-fascism.